Bronce medal at The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2013.
Several of Henrik Schurmann’s pictures have won prizes in international competitions. On this page you can see some of the latest ones.

Nordic Route 66 – Iceland 2014
Silver medal at The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2015.

Havblik (fulmar at calm sea) – Greenland 2013
Broncemedal at The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2015.

Infinity poles – Rømø, Denmark 2015
Bronce medal at The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2015.

Tidal zone – Rømø, Denmark 2015
Bronce medal at The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2015.

Naked trees – Sweden 2014
Bronce medal at The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2014.

Midnight – East Greenland 2012

Iceberg with hole – East Greenland 2007
Int the hole is the Norwegian marine science vessel Helmer Hanssen
Bronce medal ved The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2013.

Tree generations – Sweden 2013
Bronce medal at The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2013.

Birches in evening light – Sweden 2006
Silver medal at The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2012.

Magic moment – Iceland 2011
Bronce medal at The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2013.

Cranes at lake Hornboga – Sweden 2006
Every spring, thousands of cranes congregate at Hornbogasjön before dispersing throughout northern Scandinavia to breed.
Bronze medal at The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2012.

Mandrem beach – Goa, India (2012)
Bronce medal at The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2013.

Icebergs – Grønland 2007
Bronce medal at The EPSON international photographer pano awards 2012.